Lek Chalali Sasarla_peliplat
Lek Chalali Sasarla_peliplat

Lek Chalali Sasarla (1984)

U (IN) | India | Marathi |
Directed by: N.S. Vaidya

Mukta is a lovable daughter of poster master Bapusaheb while still in college she is married to Vilas the son of a greedy woman Aai Saheb who wants a lot dowry from Mukta's family,Vilas and Mukta get married but he secretly has an affair with another woman,Mukta is frequently harassed by Aai Saheb,The only person she finds support in the house is her sister in law Jyothi who opposes her mother when she treats her badly.Jyothi is in love with Deepak who also finds feels bad for Mukta the way she is treated.One day Mukta notices a photograph of Vilas with another woman she is shattered after seeing it and speaks to her parents about it when she visits them,Mukta returns back to her in law house where her father notices Aaisaheb beating her and takes her back to his house following which Jyothi also leaves her house with Deepak as she cant stand her brother and mother the way they treat Mukta,few days later Bapusaheb gets a telegram that Aaisaheb is unwell and wants Mukta to forgive.Mukta comes to aid of Aaisaheb.Jyothi ,Deepak and their driver find something fishy as Aaisaheb as called Mukta back and go to meet her while they are on their way,Aaisaheb revels that she is fine and it was all planned by her and Vilas to get her back so they could kill her. Aaisaheb and Vilas set pregnant Mukta on fire while Jyothi notices the crime and faints she is kept locked in the house and warned by Vilas and Aaisaheb not to revel the truth to anyone but Deepak and the driver manage to free her and she revels the truth that Aaisaheb and Vilas had killed Mukta for dowry in the end Aaisaheb and Vilas are been arrested by police.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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