Faded Glory_peliplat
Faded Glory_peliplat

Faded Glory (2009)

PG-13 (US) | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: Richard A. Cohen

A group of aging athletes, good friends for over 18 years, who never gave up the dream of playing baseball at a competitive level. "Faded Glory" follows the trials and tribulations of the National Network 38 and over baseball team. It's an in depth look at how each one of them fought through their own personal set of tragedies: divorce, bankruptcy, intervention, incarceration, infidelity, debilitating injuries, illnesses and even the sudden death of one of their teammates. All this takes place during their quest towards a National Amateur Baseball Association World Series title. Throughout this documentary, one thing becomes apparent - No matter what these players do or did for a professional career, they all wished they could have walked up the steps of a major league dugout and stepped out onto the field, big league style. Manager Rick Cohen and his two friends, Jim Davidson and Chris Bruno, formed the National Network team in 1990. They were the first amateur baseball team to play out of Manhattan. Over the last 18 years, Network went through metamorphic changes, dissensions, resolutions and cross-country moves only to fade away in three years time. In 2007, Rick Cohen, after going through a series of life-altering experiences, decided to get the "band back together" so to speak. So he quit his job, divorced his wife and went "On The Road" a la Jack Kerouac to seek out all his old Network cohorts and bring them back to compete again. Seventeen cities and 22 players later, Network resurfaced in its newest and most eclectic form. The pilgrimage wouldn't have been complete if the team didn't play in the National Amateur Baseball Association World Series in Phoenix, Arizona, October of that year. What happens from that point on was magical...and the cameras were there to "catch lightning in a bottle," so to speak. The Network team is made up of men from all different types of careers and walks of life. Without it, these friendships might not have endured as long as they have, their lives not be as rich or fulfilled.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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