The Kumite_peliplat
The Kumite_peliplat

The Kumite (2009)

Not Rated (US) | Ukraine | Ukrainian, English, Russian | 45 min
Directed by: Chris Ireland

Maximus is twelve and captain of the National Ukrainian Karate Full-Contact Youth Team. They are the underdog favorites as they prepare and go into the ring against the much more experienced Russian team in the Europe Karate Finals. With his father as coach played by real life Dad, Victor, he fights his own fears of defeat and leads his team into an impossible win. All new-comers to the screen will delight you with their talent in Martial arts. You will be cheering for Maximus in the final bout. Viewer discretion is advised for fighting scenes and language.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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