Road to Sangam_peliplat
Road to Sangam_peliplat

Road to Sangam (2009)

18 (GB) | India | Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, English | 135 min
Directed by: Amit Rai

A simple story of a God-fearing, devout Muslim mechanic, Hasmat Ullah, who has been entrusted the job of repairing an old V8 ford engine, not knowing its historic significance: it once carried the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi which were immersed in the holy river Sangam. He is caught in a complex situation after a powerful bomb explosion rocks his town leading to the arrest of innocent Muslim youths of his locality. A strike to work is called by the prominent Leaders of his community to protest against the unjust treatment meted out to those arrested youths by the police. Will he support the protest and abandon the repair of the engine or go against the wishes of his community?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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