
Shadow (2009)

None | India | Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, English |
Directed by: Rohit Naiyar

Mumbai Police are baffled by a number of killings allegedly committed by a male simply known as Arjun Sherawat, who appears to operate from the U.S.. The case is assigned to Inspector Sanjana Singh Rajpoot, the only child of Police Commissioner M.C. Rajpoot, who is often grilled and ridiculed by Lemon TV reporter, Rahul Kapoor. She soon comes to the conclusion that Rahul and his colleague, Sheela Pradhan, may be abetting Arjun as they always appear to be the first on the scene of every assassination. As she prepares to execute a warrant for Sheela's arrest - she will soon lose all control of this investigation and may well end up losing all credibility, leaving her father no option but to assign this case to some other official.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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