Real Sobriety_peliplat
Real Sobriety_peliplat

Real Sobriety (2009)

None | USA, Australia, Canada | English | 43 min
Directed by: Jill Heinerth

Gritty and unflinching, Real Sobriety introduces viewers to an eclectic group of former addicts who discuss their individual paths to recovery. Insightful, raw and emotional each person reveals their soul's transformation from desolation and despair to lives of fulfillment and hope. Hardly a "Polyanna" story, this documentary does not candy coat the journey, instead there is frank talk of withdrawal, relapse, and the importance of counseling and continuing support. Ultimately, the film brings a message of strength and hope, providing a brilliant beacon for the millions of Americans who are seeking encouragement, comfort and confidence.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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