Beneath the Beauty_peliplat
Beneath the Beauty_peliplat

Beneath the Beauty (2010)

None | USA | English | 120 min
Directed by: Nicholas Holthaus, Chris Valentine

Provocative national filmmakers Nico Holthaus and Chris Valentine ask: What the hell is going on in Montana? Holthaus was drawn to the beautiful Bitterroot Valley in May, 2009. Spurred on by allegations of police brutality and ineptitude, political conspiracy and corruption, from Montana's bids for a new Guantanamo Bay facility and Senator Baucus's national Healthcare Reform plan--apparently funded by the largest pharmaceutical and insurance corporations at the expense of the average American--and many other claims, Holthaus had to see for himself. The little town of Hamilton, MT, USA has it all. Rock stars, cops, politicians, militia, fishermen, farmers, realtors, retirees: not one seems to be willing to listen to another. The result is an explosive division on every imaginable level. Hamilton is America.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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