A man is seen eating raw flesh. His fridge contains many body parts.
People get beaten on the head with iron pipes, stabbed, beaten to near death.
A man smashes another guy in the groin with a wrench multiple times, it is shown up close.
A man sticks his hands into another mans mouth and rips his mouth open. You see the side of his mouth tear up and blood pours out.
A man gets kicked and then gets his head violently smashed against a giant rock multiple times.
Strong disturbing brutal grisly violence.
Two people are stabbed dozens of times with a small blade (in mainly the chests) with bloody wounds seen.
A man is hit in the face with a dumbbell. A bloody wound shown above his eye.
A woman is hit on the head a few times with a hammer. Some blood on both people's faces. Her body leaves a bloody trail.
A woman is hit in the head with a blunt object. Some blood sprays on a screen and drips out the woman's wound.
A man dismembers a dead body. Blood shown, but the body itself is mostly offscreen.
A woman is decapitated offscreen. No sounds heard aside from the guillotine.
A man's motorcycle is hit with a car while he flies off and is beaten.
A villain's achilles tendon is severed with a scalpel in closeup.
A character is bloodily stabbed through the cheek with an icepick.
A villain is hit repeatedly on the head. Some blood shown.
A character is hit repeatedly on the head and upperbody. Bloody wounds seen.
A character's wrist is broken.
A character's hand is nailed onto a table.