Little Tornadoes_peliplat
Little Tornadoes_peliplat
Play trailer

Little Tornadoes (2021)

M (AU) | Australia | English, Italian, Sicilian | 90 min
Directed by: Aaron Wilson

Introverted Leo is a metalworker at his small town's local plant. After his wife vanishes, leaving him to care for their two young children, he is bereft - barely able to cook a decent meal or keep the household running. So when a recently-arrived Italian colleague suggests that his sister, Maria, act as surrogate homemaker, Leo reluctantly accepts. But can one woman's warm, nurturing presence fill the void left by another, and can Leo yield to the winds of change? The film distils the many upheavals of 1970s Australia - from immigration and post-war resettlement, to anti-Vietnam War protests and the women's liberation movement - into a narrative about one man's struggle to adapt and a new immigrant endeavouring to find her place in a foreign land. LITTLE TORNADOES is a portrait of a country at a turning point and the human desire for connection.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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