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Kumbudraen Saamy (Arya) is a skilled thief who cons people for a living. His cross-eyed half-brother Walter Vanangamudi (Vishal Krishna)is not so good at at the same trade. They are born to the same father but to different mothers. The two men quarrel frequently and Saamy often pokes fun at Walter's shortcomings. Highness (GM Kumar) as he is dearly called by the brothers is a local zamindar who enjoy's the company of both Saamy and Walter and takes an affinity toward them and treats them as his own family. Once, a masked Walter breaks into Police Constable Baby's (Janani Iyer) house, but she recognizes the man and thwarts his attempt to rob them. Later they develop a fondness for each other, mostly born out of Walter's childish nature and submission to Baby's persuasiveness. Saamy too develops a relationship with Thenmozhi (Madhu Shalini) who cons him by giving him her fake gold bangles. Actor Surya comes to the village for a fund-raising meeting and Highness asks the actor to watch Walter's performance before he leaves. At first, Walter's antics draw laughter and ridicule from the crowd, but soon they begin to appreciate the honesty of his emotions and Surya shows his appreciation by hugging Walter and wishing him a great future. This incident changes Saamy's opinion of Walter and in an inebriated state he confesses to Highness that he actually likes Walter and that any ill-feelings he has had are totally misplaced. The brothers unite and this makes both Highness and the two mothers happy. Meanwhile, Arya brings Thenmozhi home and tells Higness that he wants to marry her. But Walter interjects and destroys the moment by revealing that Thenmozhi is the daughter of a long-standing enemy of Highness. Saamy is enraged and runs off at the mouth, accusing Highness of using his old grudge to gain control over him and his love. Heart-broken, Highness takes to the bottle. Saamy leaves saying that he cannot let Thenmozhi go just like that. Later, Highness reconciles and permits Saamy to marry Thenmozhi. Now, R.K, a local goon who smuggles cattle to Kerala is busted by Highness and is arrested amongst much media fare. Soon, he returns to rent his wrath upon Highness - kidnapping him from his home at night, RK strips Highness naked and flogs him to unconsciousness. In the morning, Highness is found dead, hanging from a tree by the lake. The brothers are devastated, Saamy rushes to engage R.K in a fist cuff but is brutally beaten down. But Walter returns with a vengeance and bashes R.K to pulp, his emotion running high he beats R.K so badly that the smuggler begs Walter to kill him. Walter has other plans - he ties R.K to Highness's funeral pyre and allows him to burn while still alive. The credits roll as the two brothers, both heavily drunk, walk toward the camera dancing and yelling.