The Irish Ropes_peliplat
The Irish Ropes_peliplat

The Irish Ropes (2007)

None | USA | English | 47 min
Directed by: Robert Sarnoff

After his dream of becoming a world champion prize-fighter was dashed in a near fatal motorcycle accident on the roads of Derry Ireland, Eddie McLoughlin headed to the far reaches of Rockaway, New York. This one-legged battler divested himself of all his erthly wares, separated from the love of his life, to transform a cement box, once a garage, into a world class gym. This tiny refuge's two rings spawn a thousand dreams. Ten multi-colored Golden Gloves aspirants and an undefeated middleweight titleholder, Ireland's John Duddy, emerge. Dreams of Madison Square Garden dance in their heads. The battle within is fought, up close and personal, blow by blow, round by round. An original soundtrack punctuates the struggle.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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