Three military guards and a doctor are killed by an Alien by shooting, there is blood shown.
A military woman is stabbed in the head with a syringe and screams while blood drips down her face.
An alien rips two men apart while they scream, blood splatter hits the wall.
Two soldiers fistfight in the lunchroom with one another and a female soldier punches another soldier in the back.
A lab assistant is stabbed in the neck with a pen.
A badly wounded military man who's leg past his knee has been ripped off crawls for safety but is pulled back by an alien and killed.
A lab guy is shown bloody yelling "no no" before an alien pulls him away.
An alien is shown sticking its (hand? claw?) through a photographers eye and the photographer screams while blood is shown.
An alien with octopus like legs stabs a man in the body and smacks him against the elevator, blood is shown.
An alien grabs a man by the elevator and his blood is splattered on a female soldier that is grabbed herself and bitten in the neck, lots of blood is shown.
Another soldier is grabbed around the neck and pulled away.
A soldier turns into an alien and then the soldier is shown with a bloody hole in his head.
Red Human Blood pores on a soldiers face as he's shooting an alien and then the guy shooting the alien is then stabbed himself and killed.
Alien eats off of one mans face, stabs two soldiers, and rips another in half.
A bloody body is found by a photographer who screams, many dead aliens are shown with their bodies ripped open.
An alien is blown up.
An alien's powers cause a military man to bleed from the sides of his eyes.
An alien shoots and wounds a reporter.
A reporter (who's an alien that morphed/changes into many people) shoots a military man in the chest and is then shot in the head.
A building blows up.
And a huge nuclear bomb or something blows up.