En las garras de la mafia_peliplat
En las garras de la mafia_peliplat

En las garras de la mafia (2007)

Not Rated (US) | Mexico | Spanish | 85 min
Directed by: Luis Estrada

Cuervo is moving up fast in the racketeering business, fixing fights and placing bribes. Unannounced to him the law is on his tail catching up fast. As the same time, round up-and-coming Latino boxing sensation Kid Ramos wants to escape from the clutches of the ghetto and Cuervo who wants him to throw a fight for his organization. When Kid refuses Cuervo beats up his manager. This worsens the situation for Cuervo who in a dramatic climax is confronted by the police. During the confrontation, Cuervo makes an unexpected realization that will make a difference between life and death.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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