Martial Arts: Secrets of the Asian Masters_peliplat
Martial Arts: Secrets of the Asian Masters_peliplat

Martial Arts: Secrets of the Asian Masters (2011)

Not Rated (US) | USA, Philippines | English | 84 min
Directed by: Myrlino P. Hufana, Barclay Powers

Martial Arts: Secrets of the Asian Masters captures the essence of Filipino warrior traditions.A comprehensive look at these combat arts, Martial Arts: Secrets of the Asian Masters investigates a variety of fighting systems throughout the Philippines. The film is a historical record of unique martial arts systems that live on today through strong efforts to preserve these ancient fighting arts. Punong Guro Myrlino Hufana is seeking to preserve and record these classical combat arts of the Philippines for future generations. Martial Arts: Secrets of the Asian Masters is a unique look at the masters of these systems, which goes beyond specific styles and regions to explore the true spirit of Filipino fighting systems.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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