Retracing Russia_peliplat
Retracing Russia_peliplat

Retracing Russia (2010)

None | Russia | Russian | 54 min
Directed by: Yuri Burak

Almost 20 years after the breakup of the Soviet Union, all Russians feel differently about their country not-so-distant past, and they hold different views about the event that changed their lives forever. And it is not about imperial ambitions or geopolitical claims; it is about the psychology of people born in a country that does not exist any more, and whose memory is being actively cleansed by modern Russian ideologists. In our film we follow a photographer who digs out old stills from his archive, and goes on a two-month journey to try to find people the photographed 30-40 years ago. Will he succeed? What country he will see? And how is it different from what it was in the past?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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