14 Americans: Directions of the 1970s_peliplat
14 Americans: Directions of the 1970s_peliplat

14 Americans: Directions of the 1970s (1980)

None | USA | English | 91 min
Directed by: Michael Blackwood, Nancy Rosen

Linked by their desire for the unknown and an increasingly explorative use of materials, the artists featured in 14 Americans: Directions of the 1970s strive to push boundaries and observe the space we occupy. Some of their activities enlist engineering and construction techniques, others compose texts or scripts that are central to their art. Some cast the viewer in the role of a spectator, while the others demand active participation. Through performances, sculptures, earthworks, furniture, and shaped canvases, artists such as Mary Miss and Scott Burton expand the meaning of art and strive to reshape our approach to creation.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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