Imperator, kotoryy znal svoyu sudbu_peliplat
Imperator, kotoryy znal svoyu sudbu_peliplat

Imperator, kotoryy znal svoyu sudbu (2010)

None | Russia | Russian | 52 min
Directed by: Roman Ershov

Author systematized the little-known facts of the biography of the last Russian Emperor Nicolai II. For example: in September, 1896, during Nicolai's visit to the Great Britain, Prince of Wales shows him the horoscope for date of his birth, made earlier by famous English predictor. The prediction spoken about two future wars. Emperor makes a decision 'to overcome the Fate': to organize a world conference on disarmament for prevention of wars (the Hague peace conference, May, 1899). Later he tried to overcome a Fate decisively in March, 1905 (an attempt to abdicate and to head the Russian Orthodox Church), and then again and again - but he could not. His attempts to overcome a Fate is the main essence and content of the film.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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