Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji_peliplat
Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji_peliplat

Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji (2011)

A (IN) | India | Hindi | 143 min
Directed by: Madhur Bhandarkar

After Mumbai-based Naren's Ahuja's wife, Madhvi, leaves him along with their daughter, he decides to move into an apartment, and share it with two others. He ends up having two tenants - a Casanova-type Abhay Suri, and an aspiring-nerdy poet, Milind Kelkar. While fending-off advances from his lawyer, Sunanda Pradhan, he falls head-over-heels with a new employee, June Pinto, at his bank where he works as a Loans Officer. Abhay decides to woo former Miss India, Anushka, who is married to wealthy Harsh, while Milind has given his heart to Gungun Sarkar. The trio then embark on a roller-coaster ride in order to woo and win the women they want to spend the remainder of their lives with.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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