Who Dies First?_peliplat
Who Dies First?_peliplat

Who Dies First? (2010)

None | Australia | English | 15 min
Directed by: Brad J. McBride

A desperate man must commit a desperate act...and all that his victims' want is a reason for them to die..? A comedy drama short along with an ensemble cast of new talents...looking for explanation as to who will die first...How can he explain it, as much as he knows he must do it or the memory of his daughter's death will never escape him...to be free, he must be trapped by his actions...Yet will his victims let him kill them? Is he strong enough to compete with them and achieve his ultimate goal of destroying them or himself...? Will his wife ever forgive him...Or perhaps the Dice hold the solution...?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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