A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies_peliplat
A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies_peliplat

A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies (2007)

All (KR) | Japan | Japanese | 124 min
Directed by: Ryûichi Inomata

A tale of Mari and three puppies is based on a true story. It tells about the situation Mari and her puppies have gone through after a massive destruction brought by an earthquake that striked Japan in October 23, 2004. Aya subsequently names the dog Mari, and it becomes a part of the family. Mari noticed two such rescuers and eventually led them to Aya and her grandfather. Thanks to Mari, the two of them were successfully extracted from the wreckage. Without its owner, Mari tries all ways and means to protect her puppies and feed them properly. It also waited patiently for the return of its owner. In 2005, the family moved into a temporary shelter and life for them more or less returns to normal. Mari also lives there with her three puppies.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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