Some strong crude humor, some of which sex-related, including references to a canadian hooker, Brooklyn Decker's boobs, golden showers, a woman being 33% lesbian, a son having sex with his mother, and laser boners (which also have very crude visuals to go along with it), and poop splattering in a man's face. Some sensual kissing sequences, some of which being lesbian (scene from 'Black Swan').
Violence & Gore
References to a man's finger being bitten off. Sequences of an arm being cut off ('127 Hours'), peeling skin from a finger ('Black Swan'), and a few other action sequences.
Strong language. Ass, damn, hell, crap, pee, piss, boner, boobs and other mild language were used freely and unbleeped. Sh*t and F*ck were bleeped many times, except for one instance when the F word managed to be used uncensored twice in a row.