R violence type: blood and graphic.
Grisly violence.
Relatively infrequent, but very bloody, graphic violence.
A man is shot in the chest, blood splatters out. He is shot again in the face, and the top half of his head explodes graphically, and a large amount of blood splatters out. He then gets back up and talks to the shooter with half of his head very graphically missing. He is finished off with another offscreen shot to the head.
A man finds another man about to rape a woman and shoots him in the genitals. A large amount of blood and matter spurts out in closeup. Extremely graphic.
A man shoots a man and he falls back dead, blood splatters
A man shoots three men standing behind glass and we see the men fall after large amounts of blood splatter on the glass.
A man is held down by two other men while a third man pulls his fingernails out using a knife: the victim screams and we see his very bloody fingers in closeup. Graphic.
A woman's dead, decomposing body is shown in the trunk of a car (we see flies buzzing around and maggots squirming and her lips have disappeared exposing her teeth and gums). Very gruesome and hard to watch.
A man pours gasoline on a car and on a man inside the car then lights it on fire; we see the man in the car struggling to free himself as the man outside the car shoots at him, another car speeds toward them and pins the man outside the car between the two cars (he slams onto the hood of the car and yells) and shoves the flaming car and the two men into a body of water (one man surfaces and appears to be OK).
A man sprays another man in the face with a fire extinguisher and then pounds him in the face with the canister (we see the man later with a very bloody mouth and face).
A man with a gun threatens another man who tasers him in the neck (the man falls back briefly), and the gunman then hits him hard in the forehead with the butt of the gun (we see a large bloody lump form on the man's head).
A man with a bloody head wound stumbles into a street and is struck by a car; he slams onto the hood of the car then falls to the street (he gets up and doesn't seem to have any additional injuries).
A man strangles a woman with his hands.
A man punches a security guard in the face during an art auction and another man steals a painting.
A man with a bloody head wound falls down an escalator and then stumbles and falls to his knees (this is shown a few times).
A man with a bloody head wound is shown being taken to the hospital on a stretcher and to an operating room where blood is drained from a lump on his forehead (we see the blood moving through a tube and into a container).