Itto Titrit_peliplat
Itto Titrit_peliplat

Itto Titrit (2010)

None | Morocco | 113 min
Directed by: Mohamed Abbazi

Morocco 1955 57 The whole country is going through turmoil. The word freedom is on all lips. The Moroccan people, in accordance with their nationalist Sultan Mohamed V, claim the right to decide their future by putting an end to the French Protectorate. A small hamlet in the Middle Atlas Mountains is heart and mind with the liberation movements shaking the people of the Third World. The dream of liberation of the ten-year-old girl Itto, nicknamed Morning Star for her radiant beauty, is to sit side by side in the Koranic School with her childhood friend Bassou and acquire knowledge which will free her from the blocking centuries old social taboos. She uses patience and charm to reach her goal.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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