Waste of Space_peliplat
Waste of Space_peliplat

Waste of Space (2010)

MA15+ (AU) | Australia | English | 15 min
Directed by: Pieter J. van Es

What would you do if you knew you were going to die tomorrow? Jamie Mailor's life is a mess. He hates his family, can barely stand his friends and has enemies all over town. He has surrounded himself with losers and low-lifers and as a result his life has sunk deep into the cesspool that he has invaded. He is, as he puts it, a waste of space. In fact everyone he knows is a waste of space and he's sick of it. With little hope of ever making anything of himself he decides to end his miserable life this weekend. BUT... Maybe the decision is not his. How and when we die may already be predetermined. That part is out of our hands. What is up to us is how we spend the time we have. Don't waste the time you have and you wont be a waste of space.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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