Lots of animal abuse, some of it graphic. Men eat animals raw and rip parts off of them. They're CG, but still disturbing.
PG-13 violence type: blood and graphic.
Disturbing violence.
A man with an axe hits another man in the back of the head; the victim falls offscreen and we see blood dripping from the axe head.
We see the shadow of a man's arm raise a large rock and smash it down on the shadow of a prone man.
A scene shows sets of shadows of two men in different types of cultural attire, one slaying the other with a rock, a sword, a knife, a staff or a spear.
A horde of barbarians attacks a man's father, kills him, and steals a glowing scroll (we see no blood).
A dozen Watchers use giant clubs to smash people in two attack scenes as the Watchers stomp on and toss away men and women that rush an ark hoping to escape a flood; bodies, debris, mud, and the suggestion of severed limbs are thrown in all directions and toward the audience.
A man suffers a bloody leg in a battle and stows away on an ark after he chops a hole in its side and falls in as scaffolding around the vessel falls away with loud crashes (we see blood seeping through white bandages as he lies on a floor and chews bloody meat from an animal that we hear he killed for food); a teen boy and the man argue until the boy agrees to bring his father down so that the man can kill the father, the man slits the throat of a large furry mammal (we see blood splatter on the boy's face) and the boy tells his father that the animals are awake and eating one another and the man rushes to find a dead animal with its entrails spread by its side, and is attacked by the stowaway; after several minutes of kicking, punching, missed knife attacks and dropped knives, the ark tilts from a large wave and the three people fall down, the stowaway raises a large rock to kill the other man until the teen boy stabs the stowaway in the back of the neck with a knife, killing him (the dead man falls on his back with blood pooling in his mouth).
A young man falls into a pit of dead human bodies and a young woman on the edge of the pit raises a rock to throw at him, but puts it down; it begins to rain and the couple runs until the young woman's leg gets caught in a bear-trap and falls screaming in pain; the boy tries to release her but cannot and his father grabs him away as a crowd of shouting men charges forward and tramples the girl to death (we see her body fall and go limp as it is trampled). This scene is extremely disturbing.
A biblical figure states that the human species must die, and if female babies are born, they must be killed in order not to bear children.
An elderly man finds a single berry in the ground cover on a mountain, eats it, and smiles into a tidal wave that covers him, presumably killing him.
A man stabs a glowing sword into the ground as a barbarian horde destroys several Watchers; the metal ignites the ground, which catches fire and burns to the horizon, killing the horde.
An armadillo-scaled dog beast snarls and snaps as we see a spearhead that is broken off in its side; a man removes the spear after the beast dies and confronts three hunting men that he subdues with kicks and punches, stabbing one man in the leg and creating a large pool of blood.
In a crowd scene, men who have been butchering meat grab young women who scream as their mothers shout, "Not my baby!" suggesting that the girls will be sacrificed and their bodies presumably used as food.
Men toss an animal into a crowd and the people apparently pull it apart below the frame while shouting.
A man sees blood-covered ground outside a wooden fence behind which a crowd of men and women scream and shout as men butcher animals and toss pieces to the crowd to eat raw; we see a few mounds of bones and red, dripping muscle matter on tables beside knives, all lit at night by campfires and torches.
A man says that the creator will destroy the world and he and his family leave home and come upon a burned out village on acres of charred land with dead bodies lying on the ground (we see bloody faces) and one dead man has a bloody stump; a stagnant green pool features the skeleton of a large dog-type of beast at its edge and the man and his family find a little girl with a bleeding gash in her abdomen (a woman puts salve on the wound as the girl grimaces) and a horde of barbarians charge over a ridge to attack the family and they run; the man confronts the horde, which stops in its tracks as they see a huge Watcher with glowing eyes behind him; one member of the horde gets in the man's face and growls that he is not afraid of miracles whereupon the Watcher knocks the man out and drags him away to end the scene.
A man shouts to a crowd, "We will kill the giants, Noah and his family, and take the ark!"; a weeks-long period of rain begins as the skies darken and hordes of people are beaten away from an ark before the vessel begins to float away and the Watchers that were fighting off the crowd ascend as their rocky bodies fall away and they become light.
A man places a narrow scroll around his hand, wrist, and forearm, touches twin baby girls with one finger and the finger magically glows.
A man has three visions of blood-covered ground and flooding: underwater, he sees debris and dead men's bodies and he screams, and in the last vision, he sees animals swimming and entering the bottom of a huge wooden vessel.
Four flashback scenes depict a green snake slithering toward the camera in close-up and flicking its tongue; in the fourth scene, a black snake slithers out of the green head and hisses with large fangs at the audience.
Bears stand up and bellow behind a horde of barbarians who scream in fear and run; the bears pass through the area and ignore the people.
An elderly woman has a horribly wrinkled and scarred face with her left eye socket healed over under long scratches.
Several men suffer bleeding scratches in hand-to-hand battles.
A man's face is bloody from battles and a teen boy's face is scratched and somewhat bloody.
A sequence of several scenes depicts dark skies, thunder, heavy rains and lightning over many days.
A funnel cloud of birds flies into an ark with loud flapping wings and enters cubicles that have perches; thousands of snakes and other reptiles that include small dinosaurs and all manner of loudly buzzing insects enter the ark and take up another room (a young man expresses concern about snakes, but is unharmed); mammals shake the ground as they approach an ark (they include bears, antelope, prehistoric giant deer, elephants, mastodons and prehistoric horse ancestors, as well as horses, big and small cats and many other species) and enter the ark, filling the ground floor and go to sleep.
People gather in a forest clearing, build kilns and begin blacksmithing work on swords and knives.
A man and his teen son shout and scream at each other for several minutes; the man's wife argues with him and he screams at her and later, she shouts and cries at him, then begs him not to kill his first grandchild if it is born a girl.
A son hits his father with the end of a hooked whaling spear and knocks him down to end the scene.
A man stares into a lit fireplace inside an ark, where he can hear the screams of men and women outside as they fall off a tall rocky point about to be covered in flood waters.
We hear and see on a map that the descendants of Cain filled up the eastern hemisphere and destroyed it.
We hear several times that men broke the world, ruining its environment, and must die as a species for punishment; fires burn in the distance and a man says that the cities are all dead.
Several stories tell that many Watchers die at the hands of Cain's descendants using spears and flare-shooters that break the rocks apart as the creatures writhe in pain.