Sexo, dignidad y muerte Sandra Cabrera, el crimen impune_peliplat
Sexo, dignidad y muerte Sandra Cabrera, el crimen impune_peliplat

Sexo, dignidad y muerte Sandra Cabrera, el crimen impune (2011)

None | Argentina | 62 min
Directed by: Lucrecia Mastrangelo

Who killed Sandra Cabrera? Woman, sex worker and unionist. Three reasons for a crime? A clandestine love story gave way to a sinister fate. Transiting the life story of Sandra Cabrera, sex worker murdered in the city of Rosario in 2004. Trade union leader of the prostitutes of Rosario, defending the right to work. For this struggle was marked by the powerful who move between the folds of politics, justice and police repression; without escaping from human contradictions, in a context of prejudice, discrimination and social violence, a scenario in which we are all actors. Five years later, the crime continues unpunished and since the date nothing has changed in relation to the denunciations made, the night spots and the complicity of power.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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