The New Girls_peliplat
The New Girls_peliplat

The New Girls (2009)

R (US) | USA | English | 120 min
Directed by: Sonny Fernandez

From Down Twisted Studios and Sonny Fernandez comes a new twist on the classic vampire genre. When three female vampires (Liz Dockter, Kim Haarman, Casey McMillan) swoop into a small town for a quick bite, they get more than they bargain for when one of them starts to fall in love with their food. Ben (Cody Tergesen) thinks he's found the perfect girl, not even his best friend (Justin Kavlie) can keep him away from her seductive powers, but when his friends find out the truth they set out to save their friend at whatever costs, the question is, does he even want to be saved?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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