Underbelly Blues_peliplat
Underbelly Blues_peliplat
Play trailer

Underbelly Blues (2011)

None | USA | English | 100 min
Directed by: Phil Messerer

Uforic, a cowardly gangster rapper, hitches a ride with York, a redneck who takes him out to the desert to execute him for fun. But before York is able to pull the trigger, Uforic tells him about a secret transaction involving a mysterious briefcase and a large amount of cash. This sets into motion a series of events that will inevitably involve much of the L.A. underworld and may just bring down corporate America. York tells Queel, a dirty cop, who tells Lucy, a homicidal stripper and is overheard by Carl Mauve, the greasy club owner, who hires Smith and Wesson, a pair of bungling thugs, who have it stolen from them by Norman, a pickpocket with a Jewish Dominatrix mother, who brings it to Dr. Zeus, a local Meth cook, who might just be able to solve the secret of the briefcase. Meanwhile an insane, bloodthirsty hit man named Versetti, working for a large multinational corporation, will stop at nothing to get it back.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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