
Status (2011)

None | Australia | English | 20 min
Directed by: Richard Williamson

2018. The world is changing. Social networking sprawls far beyond beyond desktop computers and iphones. "Welcome to Statlink." Live connected 24/7 though microchips inserted directly into your scull and veins. Ultimate connection is yours. It is only a thought away. New years eve sees Statlink change. The voices in your head are beginning to blur. Are they your thoughts? Are they mine? The system is failing. Or is it your desire that it should evolve? A cloudy hunger within you grows stronger and stronger. We march as one towards a single identity. Duality emerges. Users stand glowing in the sun while the old world screams caution from the dark. Jason beholds a world in flux and sees his girlfriend leaving our shores. He fights to save her as the streets erupt into chaos and fire. Welcome to a new world. Welcome to connection as you have never known. Welcome to the evolution of social networking.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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