Comically gruesome images throughout.
Comical blood and gore and violence including dismembered body parts, intestines falling out, a woman's head is impaled by a javelin, a character's leg is seen in graphic bloody detail briefly, a couple bite of a chicken's head, bloody splatters across the screen during death scenes, spraying/splattering blood as a demon baby eats a man's throat, people shown burned to death and eaten in half by sharks.
Numerous ghosts have gruesome and gory appearances. (ie: some people are just half a body, one woman has her leg eaten down to the bone, etc)
A woman is in pieces with her face and body parts cut in half. In an extended scene, she staples herself back together. There are close-ups of this that are a little graphic, but this is more whimsical than violent.
A villain kills ghosts by sucking the life out of them until they are no more than just skin.
A couple bites the heads off of two chickens, causing blood to spurt.
Like the first film, there is absurd and comical bloody violent images with gore.
A man is seen to have murdered his family. The ghosts of his mother and father are graphically mutilated as the mother has a weapon protruding from her eye and the father has a sort of saw which cut his face in half.
A girl gives birth to a demon baby who rips the throat out of a doctor. Blood sprays and squirts everywhere and he falls to the ground where even more blood splashes out. Then, the blood covered baby crawls up the wall. Probably the bloodiest scene in the movie.
In an animated sequence, acharacter is seen bitten in half by a shark and loads of blood splatters onto the screen. Afterward, he is seen missing the top half of his body and whenever he talks blood squirts out.
A guy is shown with piranhas eating his face with some gory detail.
A woman is chopped apart with an axe, though it mostly takes place off screen.