Daruchini Dwip_peliplat
Daruchini Dwip_peliplat

Daruchini Dwip (2007)

None | Bangladesh | Bengali | 128 min
Directed by: Tauquir Ahmed

Another brilliant story from one of the marvels of literature- born genius Humayun Ahmed. A group of Dhaka University friends plan to visit St. Martins, a beautiful natural coral island, situated near Cox's Bazar, where the largest natural sea beach on earth is located. The story is based on the preparation, ecstasies, agonies, frustration, hope, fun, sadness aiming at fulfilling the wish of the youth group to visit St. Martins. The story shows how they try managing the fare for the trip, how one friend finally fails to join them, how their families get involved into the preparation, how ultimate realities come forward of them. And how realistically Humayun Ahmed can plot a story as such, anybody who has read him, or watched his movies, knows better. Humayun Ahmed also has a lodge at St. Martins, so he reasonably felt eagerness to express a man's affection to the sea from his own experience. Its equally a brilliant direction from Toukir Ahmed, one of the millions of fans of Humayun. People from any language should watch this movie, who have love for sea and are passionate to travelling.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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