All of the murder scenes are frightening and graphic but there are plenty of other scenes with intense stuff.
A man is locked in a room and taunted by the killer over a intercom. The man shoots at the door blasting a hole in it. He sees the killer through the hole and the killer runs off. This is a very jumpy scene.
A man walks down a dark hallway looking for a woman while carrying a shot gun without knowing if the killer is after him. Very suspenseful scene.
A man falls from a two-story rooftop.
A man screams at a woman to shut up and forcefully pushes her over. (She gets her revenge)
The entire climax of the film involves the two lead sisters having it out.
A fight in the house involves slapping, punching,kicking. A woman is hit in the head with an iPad. The other is knocked over with a chair.
The fight moves outside and one woman chases the other in a car, attempting to run her over. The woman being chased trips but manages to avoid being hit. She is chased into the woods by the other woman who is carrying a scythe. The woman being chased knocks the other against a tree. The chaser hits the protagonist over the head with a rock. Both women stumble out of the woods.
The two women get out of the woods and a real fight begins. Punching, hair pulling, kicking, scratching. Expect it all. One woman overpowers the other and attempts to strangle her. The other sprays her attacker with pepper spray. She then kicks her attacker in the face, knocking her out.
A woman must blow up a car to get the police officer's attention to help her injured friend.
A woman goes to a mental institution to visit her sister. She tells her sister that she loves her, angering the sister and the sister starts beating her head against the door.