One Chance Meeting_peliplat
One Chance Meeting_peliplat

One Chance Meeting (2011)

None | South Korea | Korean | 17 min
Directed by: Young-Sung Chung

Ms. Jeong who had a leg operation shares a hospital room with Ms. Lee who had an operation on her lung by accident. One day, Ms. Jeong asks Ms. Lee about the hospital window at the scenery. Ms. Lee answers kindly about the scenery to Ms. Jeong. As time goes by, Ms Jeong envies Ms. Lee her window seat. Then one day, after Ms. Lee has a fatal attack and Ms. Jeong moves to the window seat, Ms. Jeong realizes only after then about the good lies of Ms. Lee.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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