
Breathless (2006)

None | Australia | English | 26 min
Directed by: Jason Bray

The documentary Breathless tackles one of the most disturbing patterns in drug use in Queensland today - the inhaling of household products like paint and glue. Through the voices of a grieving mother Cathy, a homeless man Rivers, a street kid Peta and many others, Breathless introduces the world to the homeless, the marginalised, the abused and the addicted living in South East Queensland. With honesty and compassion Breathless gives the viewer access to the thoughts and feelings of those who are deeply affected by this dangerous addiction. While these stories contain sadness and heartache, by the end of this film the viewer will also have gained sense of hope and admiration for the strength of our subjects. Breathless is an interesting and entertaining documentary that will grab the attention of the viewer and move them til the end.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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