Marco Polo Boys_peliplat
Marco Polo Boys_peliplat

Marco Polo Boys (2011)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 112 min
Directed by: Danny LeGare

This -Mumblecore- feature film was shot in 9 consecutive days, in chronological order, in the home town of the writer/director (Danny LeGare Stafford Springs CT. It was shot using multiple cameras (Varicam, JVC HD200U and a FLIP cam). The budget was under one thousand dollars. The script was an outline and the dialog is 100% improvisation. Danny LeGare create and sought out to shoot this film specifically this way because he lacked funds to shoot a traditional feature film. This surprisingly fast paced and efficient production worked out almost to a T how LeGare planned it in his head.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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