A Guide to Dating at the End of the World_peliplat
A Guide to Dating at the End of the World_peliplat
Play trailer

A Guide to Dating at the End of the World (2022)

M (AU) | Australia, United Arab Emirates, UK | English | 80 min
Directed by: Samuel Gay

After their first date, Alex declares she would not go out with John even if he were the last man on Earth. The next day she wakes to find he is exactly that. With everyone gone they have time to get to know each other and all is going swell until they meet Wendy, the smarter and prettier 'other woman' - and she has a plan to bring everyone back. Will Wendy come between Alex and John as she tries to save the world? Not if Alex and her trusty Epilady have anything to do with it. Sometimes all it takes is an apocalyptic catastrophe to help you find your true love.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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