Mrs. Pilgrim Goes to Hollywood_peliplat
Mrs. Pilgrim Goes to Hollywood_peliplat

Mrs. Pilgrim Goes to Hollywood (2002)

None | USA | English | 112 min
Directed by: Nick Rogers

Mrs. Pilgrim, a sweet kindergarten teacher from Arkansas, has become so confident in her annual 5 food group school play that she decides to turn it into a motion picture. After being turned down by numerous celebrities including Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen, She cast a foul mouth rapper named Intercourz. When her film crew starts acting up, Mrs. Pilfgrim takes control, enforcing time outs, mandatory naps, and raising your hand before you speak. So sit straight up. drink your milk, and pay attention as MRS. PILGRIM GOES TO HOLLYWOOD.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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