Sobre la Estepa_peliplat
Sobre la Estepa_peliplat

Sobre la Estepa (2011)

None | Argentina | Spanish | 17 min
Directed by: Ty Roberts

The Patagonian steppe sets the stage for this intense drama of 'who done it' where four men meet at a crossroads of violence and chance. Two men, Honorino and Sepulveda, are out hunting guanaco when distant gunshots call their attention to investigate. Arriving the scene, they find a local acquaintance, Rabanito, bleeding and dying. Just before he passes, Rabanito spells a dark secret of Sepulveda. The absent gunman, Cirilo, finally emerges with guilt. Sepulveda, a rural policeman, accuses him of theft and murder. Cirilo begins to further piece the story together, deepening Sepulveda's guilt in the twisting chaos of the mayhem. A gunshot rings out. Cirilo falls. Sepulveda holds the smoking rifle. Now, he must decide what to do with the last witness, Honorino.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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