El Alcalde_peliplat
El Alcalde_peliplat
Play trailer

El Alcalde (2012)

B15 (MX) | Mexico | Spanish | 81 min
Directed by: Emiliano Altuna, Diego Enrique Osorno, Carlos Rossini

The film tells the story of Mauricio Fernandez, mayor of the wealthiest municipality in Latin America located in the North of Mexico. He presents himself as a polemical figure who takes justice by his own hand in order to 'clean' his municipality of the drug cartels presence. A millionaire with a fortune valued at 800 million USD. He constructed his own palace with ceilings that he bought from William Randolph Hearst, the original Citizen Kane, and plagued the place with his own eccentric collections. Mauricio is a key character to better understand the present situation in Mexico and through the unusual views of this politician, the audience will be a privileged witnesses of an scenario where political tasks and excessive violence mingle with one another.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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