The Original Promise_peliplat
The Original Promise_peliplat

The Original Promise (2012)

Not Rated (US) | Canada | English | 60 min
Directed by: Jim van Dijk, Justin Bergeron

The Promise follows veteran TV host, Doug Kooy and Farrah Aviva on a video-odyssey as they discover a country that is seldom seen in the mainstream media. This is a documentary that discovers the heart and soul of the people who make up the country called Israel. The hosts set out to discover shared values and ask the question: "Why should the Western World support Israel?" They explore the idea of democracy, rule of law, and women's rights while recording images of contemporary life in Israel; fine wine, exquisite cuisine, professional sports, and some of the world's greatest nightspots. The Promise will discuss the world's three major religions against the contrast of one of the world's most productive hi-tech industries. This documentary features the filming of Colin Wiebe on Masada as he records an original song titled Never Again, a tribute to the Spirit of the Israeli people. This documentary will be invaluable to those who are researching Israel and to those who only have a view of Israel from what they see in the evening news. The target audience is huge as people worldwide are curious about this tiny country with a big reputation. The Promise shares with the world a side of Israel that has seldom been seen but is soon to be revealed.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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