Kôun no tsubo_peliplat
Kôun no tsubo_peliplat
Play trailer

Kôun no tsubo (2012)

None | Japan | Japanese | 82 min
Directed by: Michihito Ogawa

Ryosaku, a struggling actor, endures daily abuse from his wicked wife. One day, the janitor of his apartment gives him a 'The Pod of Good Fortune'. And his life begins to go awry. The sudden death of his abusive wife...suspicion of murder...an impulsive cover-up...same old routine on set...an unexpected visitor...and the body count rises. This film closely follows the daily life of the protagonist as the bizarre and horrific drama unfolds. When people are pushed to an extreme situation, it's also the most comical. Full of such aspects, the story reveals the secret side of the people surrounding the protagonist. Where will the 'The Pod of Good Fortune' lead this man's unfortunate life? Only the Pot can tell.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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