The House_peliplat
The House_peliplat

The House (2012)

None | South Korea | Korean | 111 min
Directed by: Young-Hope Joe

A single mother and a scriptwriter, Minsu rents a large, old fashioned house with her 5-year-old daughter, Anne, after her breakup with her husband who goes to serve in the Korean military. She wants to start a fresh new journey, but it gets disrupted as soon as they move in to the house. Problems start to escalate as people with diverse personalities start moving in the house. It gets so out of hand, that the people who live there find out nobody knows the real owner of the house. But a so-called owner shows up, and becomes a dangerous threat to Minsu and Anne's lives. She will do everything she can to protect Anne and make sure they have a roof over their heads.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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