Strong stylized violence throughout, which includes bloody shootings, stabbings, faces beaten to a bloody pulp by fire extinguisher, slicing from saw, and much more.
The opening scene in the first episode is the main character shooting himself in the head and a large amount of blood spraying out while he is dancing.
A bunch of peoples heads are chopped off with a chainsaw in slow motion and a large jet of blood sprays out their necks.
Suicide bomber nuns explode into chunks of blood, guts and intestines.
Someone is impaled with a forklift and a ridiculously huge amount of blood sprays out and goes everywhere.
A person is crushed by a vehicle and explodes into a wave of blood and intestines.
A baby explodes in a microwave.
A grandma stabs someone repeatedly in the face with knitting needles and blood sprays everywhere.
A mans intestines are ripped out with a trophy.
A mans face is scraped off against a brick wall.
A man is repeatedly curb stomped.
Two people are killed with a chainsaw and blood splatters all over the screen.
A man shoots someone with eyeballs lasers and he melts.
A unicorn impales a 3 headed dog and a huge amount of purple blood sprays out.
A pancake is shot with a bang flag gun and it impales through his head and his brain pops out.
Someones head is impaled on a giant penis.
A man cuts off his own hand, then cuts his genitals off and then gouges out his own eyeball with blood spraying everywhere.
A man is hit in the face with an axe and you see the axe sticking out of his face with blood spraying out.
A man rips out someones intestines with their bare hands.
A person breaks someones arm in several places and then uses the disfigured arm to wave at somebody.
The main character is attacked by a purple tentacle monster he pooped out.
Someone is impaled with a metal rod and their intestines fall out.
An old persons head is stomped on and it explodes and blood and brains go everywhere.
A mans face is exploded off and theres a close up shot of the slop of blood and gore of whats left of his face. He is then shot in the face.
A person starts ripping out intestines and organs out of a person, this goes on for a while.
A man hangs with no skin and is brutally kept alive and treated like a sex slave.
One guy has his face smashed in with a fridge door
SO1 E2(VIOLENT CONTENT:8,5/10) Brief strong violence and blood images are seen frequently in this episode. A character is seen covered with a big amount of blood in some scenes.
TV-MA violence type: blood, gore, brutal and graphic.