Ted and Carol have sex against a vending machine in prison. We see the man's buttocks, but no other nudity is shown. He is shown thrusting vigorously as she and he moan loudly.
A make out scene between Liz and Ted. Ted rips open Liz's shirt & Liz rips Ted's vest & shirt. After, Ted pushes Liz to the bed & strips her of her jeans. Liz's is seen laying in her bra and underwear. Ted is shirtless and has pants on. The scene continues with passionate kissing, and sex is implied as it ends with a black screen fade-out.
There are several shower scenes in the prison. During which, only male backs are shown.
In one scene Liz is sitting in the empty bathtub alone. she is presumably naked. her breasts are covered by her hands. no nudity is shown. This is, however, in a non-sexual context.
Sexuality and rape are discussed.
Buttocks of a woman (corpse) are shown several times in court. A bite mark is also shown on one buttock.
It is mentioned that Bundy committed rape.
Liz shows Ted a crime scene photo of a naked, headless victim.
Ted get stripped searched by an officer. We see his butt.