Kaettekita Tensô Sentai Goseijâ: Rasuto Epikku - Gosei Tenshi ga Kokuminteki Aidoru ni?!_peliplat
Kaettekita Tensô Sentai Goseijâ: Rasuto Epikku - Gosei Tenshi ga Kokuminteki Aidoru ni?!_peliplat
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Kaettekita Tensô Sentai Goseijâ: Rasuto Epikku - Gosei Tenshi ga Kokuminteki Aidoru ni?! (2011)

None | Japan | Japanese | 45 min

After wiping out everyone's memories of Brajira's doomsday, the Gosei Angels go their separate ways to keep protecting the world rather than return to the Gosei World. Alata takes a job at a cafe, Hyde works in oceanic research at a university, Eri becomes a school nurse, and the Landick siblings take to farming. While changing bills at a bank, Alata is forced to expose himself as Gosei Red to tie up a trio of bank robbers. After formally introducing himself as a Gosei Angel, Alata finds that his Memoryfly Card is not working. Soon after, escaping his new-found fans, Alata learns from the others that he single handily exposed them all and that none of the others can use their memory-erasing cards to undo the mess.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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