Rent a Globe_peliplat
Rent a Globe_peliplat

Rent a Globe (2013)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Anatoliy Terentev

Our world is changing so rapidly that all of what we are used to in our childhood is gone to distant history. A world of our parents and grandparents came to an end. Obviously, the end will come soon and for our world in the form in which we know it. What is this "End of the World"? The dis-appearance of one bird - it's the end of the world? And the disappearance of a small lake? A river? Will the end of the world for us disappearances of small nation, who lives from of old time on that river? And for that nation? What is the one nation in the face of a multi-billion humanity? Each of these billions are necessary resources for the life. And do not must be put on the altar of the life and the bird, and the river? What might happen to us if far away, many thousands of miles away, in the woods cut down all trees? It's nothing. Nothing? But is it? What is happening with the nature of the Russian Far East can be a good example for many global trends. And the lives of some of their residents - an example of struggle not only to for their survival, but struggle for the existence of the planet. The planet, which we rented from our children.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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