Venimos de muy lejos, la película_peliplat
Venimos de muy lejos, la película_peliplat

Venimos de muy lejos, la película (2012)

MA15+ (AU) | Argentina | Spanish | 105 min
Directed by: Ricardo Pitterbarg

Residents of the Catalinas community gather to think about a film about their history. The members of the Catalinas Sur Theater Group are preparing to present their already classic show Come from far away in the square of the neighborhood. Suddenly, the boundary between documentary and fiction is erased, past and present meet and, among memories, songs, puppets and period costumes, the stories of Italians, Galicians and Jews that unite at least three generations (grandparents, children and grandchildren) marked by migration and united over time by their entrepreneurial, solidarity and community.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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