The Only Real Game_peliplat
The Only Real Game_peliplat

The Only Real Game (2013)

Unrated (US) | USA, India | English | 82 min
Directed by: Mirra Bank

THE ONLY REAL GAME explores the power of baseball for people in a remote and troubled place. The once princely state of Manipur, in volatile northeast India, defies gun violence, trafficking, and HIV/AIDS through a surprising passion for America's National Pastime. Manipur entered the Indian Union under protest in 1949, triggering a corrosive Separatist conflict. For decades baseball has delivered release from daily struggles and a dream for healing a wounded society. This dream moves toward reality when First Pitch - a band of baseball-loving New Yorkers - and two Major League Baseball Envoy coaches join Manipuri men, women and children to "Play Ball." This Manipuri story brings us to the heart of the Great American Game - or as Babe Ruth called it, "the only real game in the world."

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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