The Dream Factory_peliplat
The Dream Factory_peliplat
Play trailer

The Dream Factory (2012)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 88 min

Throughout history, Alaska has been a place of dreams. From the early gold rush days, to the rise of commercial fishing, to the explosion of the ski and snowboard freeride movement, people have left everything to follow their dreams and journey to this foreign, mystical land. Like the frontiersmen before them, the pioneers of the freeride movement like Doug Coombs, Eric Pehota and Trevor Petersen made the dream of skiing in Alaska a reality. Follow Teton Gravity Research's modern day athletes on this cinematic voyage through Alaska's awe-inspiring expanse, rich history and colorful characters. The crew delves deep into the Alaskan way of life during a record year of snowfall - skiing terrain most of us only dream about.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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