Bending Colours_peliplat
Bending Colours_peliplat
Play trailer

Bending Colours (2012)

Not Rated (US) | Australia, Indonesia, Reunion, South Africa, USA | English | 38 min
Directed by: Kai Neville

Bending Colours tells the compelling story of Jordy Smith, one of surfing's most interesting characters. Following his yearlong journey from teenage prodigy to the superhighway of performance surfing, the film gains unprecedented access to Smith's personal and professional life that is as dazzling as the ocean in which he surfs. Through the use of state of the art camera equipment and original direction, Bending Colours blends action with art house aesthetic. The film offers birds eye views of Cape Town's shoreline, put the viewer board side of mind boggling surfing maneuvers and shows the beauty and rigors of a life lived by some of the best breaks in the world. Bending Colours is the portrayal of a surfer who knows no boundaries and is a man who is leading surfing's new vanguard.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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